We also use videos from the company Vimeo on our website. The video portal is operated by Vimeo LLC, 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA. With the help of a plug-in we can display interesting video material directly on our website. Certain data may be transferred from you to Vimeo. In this privacy statement, we explain what information we collect, why we use Vimeo, and how you can manage or stop your information or data transfer.
What is Vimeo?
Vimeo is a video platform that was founded in 2004 and since 2007 has enabled the streaming of videos in HD quality. Since 2015 it is also possible to stream in 4k Ultra HD. The use of the portal is free of charge, but content with costs can also be published. In comparison to the market leader YouTube, Vimeo places priority on high quality content in good quality. On the one hand, the portal offers a lot of artistic content such as music videos and short films, but on the other hand, it also offers interesting documentaries on various topics.
Why do we use Vimeo on our website?
The goal of our web presence is to provide you with the best possible content. And as easily accessible as possible. Only when we have achieved this are we satisfied with our service. The Vimeo video service helps us to achieve this goal. Vimeo gives us the opportunity to present you with high quality content directly on our website. Instead of just giving you a link to an interesting video, you can watch the video right here. This extends our service and makes it easier for you to access interesting content. Therefore we offer video content in addition to our texts and images.
What data is stored on Vimeo?
When you visit a web page on our site that has a Vimeo video embedded, your browser connects to the Vimeo servers. This results in a data transfer. This data is collected, stored and processed on the Vimeo servers. Regardless of whether you have a Vimeo account or not, Vimeo collects data about you. This includes your IP address, technical information about your browser type, operating system, or basic device information. In addition, Vimeo stores information about which website you use the Vimeo service and what actions (web activities) you perform on our website. These web activities include, for example, session duration, bounce rate, or which button you clicked on our website with the built-in Vimeo function. Vimeo can track and store these actions using cookies and similar technologies.
If you are logged in as a registered member of Vimeo, more data can usually be collected, since more cookies may already have been set in your browser. In addition, your actions on our website are directly linked to your Vimeo account. To prevent this from happening, you must log out of Vimeo while “surfing” our website.
Below we show you the cookies that are set by Vimeo when you are on a website with integrated Vimeo functionality. This list is not exhaustive and assumes that you do not have a Vimeo account.
Name: player
Value: “”
Purpose: This cookie saves your settings before you play an embedded Vimeo video. This means that the next time you watch a Vimeo video, you will get your preferred settings back.
Expiration date: after one year
Name: vuid
Value: pl1046149876.614422590221120704-4
Purpose: This cookie collects information about your actions on websites that have embedded a Vimeo video.
Expiration date: after 2 years
Note: These two cookies are always set when you are on a website with an embedded Vimeo video. When you view the video and click the button, for example to “share” or “link” the video, additional cookies are set. These are also third-party cookies such as _ga or _gat_UA-76641-8 from Google Analytics or _fbp from Facebook. Exactly which cookies are set here depends on your interaction with the video.
The following list shows a sample of possible cookies that are set when you interact with the Vimeo video:
Name: _abexps
Value: %5B%5D
Purpose: This Vimeo cookie helps Vimeo remember the settings you have made. This could be a preset language, region or user name, for example. In general, the cookie stores information about how you use Vimeo.
Expiration date: after one year
Name: continuous_play_v3
Value: 1
Purpose: This cookie is a first-party cookie from Vimeo The cookie collects information about how you use the Vimeo service. For example, the cookie stores when you pause/replay a video.
Expiration date: after one year
Name: _ga
Value: GA1.2.1522249635.1578401280221120704-7
Purpose: This cookie is a third-party cookie from Google. By default analytics.js uses the _ga cookie to store the user ID. Basically, it is used to differentiate between website visitors.
Expiration date: after 2 years
Name: _gcl_au
Value: 1.1.770887836.1578401279221120704-3
Purpose: This third-party cookie from Google AdSense will be used to improve the efficiency of ads on websites.
Expiration date: after 3 months
Name: _fbp
Value: fb.1.1578401280585.310434968
Purpose: This is a Facebook cookie. This cookie is used to display advertisements or promotional products from Facebook or other advertisers.
Expiration date: after 3 months
Vimeo uses this information, among other things, to improve its own service, to communicate with you and to implement its own targeted advertising measures. Vimeo emphasizes on your website that only first-party cookies (i.e. cookies from Vimeo itself) are used for embedded videos, as long as you do not interact with the video.
How long and where is the data stored?
Vimeo is headquartered in White Plains, New York State (USA). However, the services are offered worldwide. The company uses computer systems, databases and servers in the USA and in other countries. Your data can therefore also be stored and processed on servers in America. The data will remain stored by Vimeo until the company no longer has an economic reason to store it. Then the data will be deleted or made anonymous. Vimeo complies with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and is therefore allowed to collect, use and transfer data from users in the EU to the USA.
How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?
You always have the possibility to manage cookies in your browser according to your wishes. For example, if you do not want Vimeo to set cookies and thus collect information about you, you can delete or deactivate cookies in your browser settings at any time. Depending on your browser, this works a little differently. Please note that after deactivating/deleting cookies, some functions may no longer be fully available. The following instructions show you how to manage or delete cookies in your browser.
If you are a registered Vimeo member, you can also manage the cookies you use in the Vimeo settings.
Vimeo is an active participant in the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, which regulates the correct and secure transfer of personal information. You can find more information about this at https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt00000008V77AAE&status=Active. Learn more at https://vimeo.com/cookie_policy. Information on data protection at Vimeo can be found at https://vimeo.com/privacy.
Source: Created with an imprint generator, translated by DeepL.