Crinolettes – Gyration Resistance
June 21th 2019 at CLUB RADIOKOJE 2019, Kongreßbad Vienna Ottakring (AT).
Crinolettes – Gyration Resistance is a site-specific radio-ballet based on transformative wearable antennas. As a reinterpretation of the historical female clothing element the ‘Crinoline’, a hooped cage initially worn under petticoats, the antennas now function as physical extensions of the performer’s bodies and technological expansion of the human senses – shifting symbols of restriction into emancipatory tools of liberation. The rotating spheres receive site-specific electromagnetic waves which are made audible and processed as raw sound material into a musical composition. The signals are dependent on the position of the performers relating to the space and each other.
© Magnetoceptia (Dewi de Vree & Patrizia Ruthensteiner)
Receivers developed by Daan Johan
Video by Robi Faustmann, edited by Magnetoceptia
CLUB RADIOKOJE – Concept and realization: czirp czirp – experimental and sonic arts 2019.
Curator and art director: Lona Gaikis
In cooperation with IGNM – International Society for New Music, Vienna.
Hosted by Kongressbad Vienna, Austria and MA 44 – Public City Pools Vienna (Städtische Bäder Wien).
Kindly supported by Stimulieringsfonds, the City Council of Vienna MA 7 Culture & Arts and Head of District Franz Prokop (Bezirkskultur Ottakring).