Poet and programmer Claire Tolan (*1986 in Ohio, USA) lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Since 2013 she has been developing and producing ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) radio programmes, performances and audio plays. She has worked on numerous productions in Sweden, Great Britain, Norway, Italy and Germany. Her post-digital artistic practice addresses consumer cultures, as well as the (dis)belief and artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies, thereby illuminating hacker culture and digital occultism. Claire currently develops an AI ASMR voice companion, called SOOTHER.
She is developing an augmented ASMR audio play CICADA GAMES for the Congress Park Vienna.
WEIRD SENSATION FEELS GOOD, 2020. Ark Des, Stockholm.
Link: https://arkdes.se/en/soft-gossip-live-asmr-with-claire-tolan/
“Lonely At The Top” feat. Claire Tolan. Holly Herndon Platform. RVNG: 2015.
Link: https://hollyherndon.bandcamp.com/track/lonely-at-the-top-feat-claire-tolan
Image: Maximilian Pramatarov