
Saturday, 31. August 2024, 13:00-19:30.

Kongreßbad, Julius-Meinl-Gasse 7A, 1160 Vienna.

Inspired by Yona Friedman’s Utopies réalisables, 1975 (feasible utopias), the 2024 edition of CLUB RADIOKOJE probes how to maintain a sustainable and resilient society. For many artists today, social design and collective work processes have become vital.

We explore the idea of form following community, and have invited several collectives that engage in new socio-techniques of creative practice. They allow the audience to actively participate in the event.

Artist Collectives: Construction Choir Collective (INTL), Das Erste Ottakringer Blockflötengewitter (AT), Kollektiv KLAUS (INTL), Lissie Rettenwander (AT) and a multiple-eyes composition by Benjamin Tomasi (AT/IT).


Curator: Lona Gaikis
Dramaturg: Bernhard Staudinger
Assistance: Lilia Petrova and Nathalie Koger

In co-operation with AwA* Collective for Awareness-Work.

Funded by the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport Austria (BMKÖS), the MA7 Kultur of the City Council of Vienna, and the District Council Ottakring. With the kind support of Stefanie Lamp, Head of District Ottakring and MA 44 Stadt Wien Bäder (Vienna Municipal Swimming Pools).

Header image: Peter Oroszlány, in continuation of Yona Friedman’s drawings for Comment vivre entre les autres sans être chef et sans être esclave (Jean Jacques Pauvert: 1974).